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Madison Student Named Officer For State FFA

When looking back on life, May 19, 2018 may very well stand out as a day to be remembered for Taylor Rollins, a junior at Madison Central School.

A member of the Madison FFA Chapter, Rollins was elected to serve for a year a member of the New York FFA Officer team as the State Reporter. For the past year, Rollins had served as the District 5 President for the New York State FFA.

The FFA, a national youth organization, once known as the Future Farmers of America offers leadership and career development opportunities for students interested in any agriculturally related career. As an elected state officer, Rollins will have the chance to promote these opportunities throughout the state to students, school administrators, businesses and legislators.

For the full story, check newsstands for this week's edition of The Waterville Times. You can also request a previous issue of The Waterville Times.

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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