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Solar Panel Farm Proposed For Brothertown Road Site

A solar energy project proposed for the west side of Brothertown Road in Waterville would operate for 25 to 35 years.

At a public hearing last week in front of the Sangerfield Zoning Board of Appeals, DG New York Associate Project Manager Janet Ward gave a 20-minute presentation to the board and a dozen members of the public. The Sangerfield ZBA did not vote on the project, but said they expected to do so at their next meeting Oct. 22.

However, both the Waterville Central School District and the Town of Sangerfield board are consulting lawyers regarding a missed deadline to file to levy taxes on the property once it has become a solar farm. While the project coordinator and the ZBA said certified letters and an application to apply for levying taxes were sent, both taxing entities said no application or explanation of a deadline was received.

NextEra is the parent company, Ward said, which includes Florida Power and Light. It is a Fortune 200 company.

DG New York CS is the subsidiary company making the proposal. The matter ended up in front of the Zoning Board when DG was denied a building permit by the town’s Codes office; that was expected since the town does not have regulations pertaining to solar panel sites.

The ZBA needs to approve a Special Use Permit for the project to happen since the area is zoned agriculture/residential.

The Sangerfield project would go in a hay and corn field on the west side of the road between...

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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