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Hour Of Codes Trains CCS Fifth Graders

Clinton Elementary School recently introduced the fifth grade students to coding.

An Hour of Code is a project where students learn the skills it takes to build a website using HTML scripts. Several different activities are available through the Hour of Code program; Minecraft and Maze building and music themes were popular but most students were working with the Dance Party 2019 program.

A set of objectives would be given for each level and students had to create the code necessary to get their cartoon character to dance and advance to the next difficulty level. Wyatt, a student in Ms. Culver's class, said it was a lot of fun to learn programming and how computers work.

Before the event, some students worked with teachers to set up the activities and then assist their classmates during the training. A student helper named Jason gave an in-depth tutorial of the Hour of Code program and the games the kids were playing.

He said part of the fun for him was having to solve the objectives on his own. "It tells us what we…

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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