The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday night to discuss new business.
The board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of the General Voucher for $26,603 and the Water Voucher for $2,737.
The board approved a resolution approving the February meeting minutes.
The SAM registration was renewed for 2026.
A budget meeting was held March 11 at the Village office.
The board approved a resolution to move $5,375 from Streets Equipment to Streets Expense, to move $1,400 from Ambulance Equipment to Ambulance Expense, and to move $1,842.54 from Contingency to Unallocated Insurance.
The Town Park is reserved for the June 21 Community Funday.
The board held a discussion about removing a tree in the Village Green.
Village of West Winfield Mayor Sandy Smith said 12 more banners are expected for this year's Hometown Heroes drive.
The West Winfield Fire Department answered 64 total calls for February, with 56 EMS calls, and eight fire/MVAs.
The department is designing ...