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Applications For Heroes Banners Set In Plainfield

The regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was Feb. 13 at the Town Hall.

Town Supervisor Todd Lewis gave the Highway Department report.

Two plow trucks have lighting issues. Both will be taken off site for repair.

The 284 agreement between the Board and Highway Department for money allocated for road repair is a work in progress and will be completed soon.

Balance sheets, monthly budget vs. actual, and monthly disbursements were received from the town bookkeeper and accepted.

Town Clerk Jon Cockett presented the report for January.

A total amount of $88 was received.

The Town’s share was $84 for certified copies and dog licenses.

The other $4 was sent to NYS Ag and Markets for dog licenses.

Cockett presented the minutes for January, which were accepted.

Highway abstract of $10,776.77 and general abstract of $28,833.50 were approved. The new website proposal was discussed.

It was decided to invite the provider to next meeting to answer some

questions before deciding.

Transparency for all residents to see Town business on the site is the goal.

Possible ACH withdrawal for Town utilities was researched.

It cannot work, as the amount of charges changes each month.

Amounts must be the same.

Cockett said applications for Hometown Hero banners are available.

One more member for the Board of Assessment review is needed.

If anyone is interested, see the town clerk.

Members receive $75.

The proposed zoning law for solar energy facilities in the Town of Winfield was received from the town attorney.

It was presented to the board for their information.

A fund transfer of $3,000 from contingency to unallocated insurance was approved.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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