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CCS Hires New Staff For 2024-25

By Anthony Gannon

The Clinton Central School Board of Education met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.

CCSD District Clerk Julia Scranton introduced CCSD Superintendent Christopher Clancy to introduce the District Safety Plan before the public hearing discussing the plan.

Clancy said the plan includes provisions for how the District is reactive and proactive in preventing and responding to emergencies within the District.

Scranton opened the nominations for the position of School Board President and the Board approved a resolution nominating Melinda Leising as School Board President.

The Board approved a resolution naming Leising as CCSD BOE President.

Leising signed the oath of office.

The Board approved a resolution nominating Lisa Magnarelli as the CCS BOE Vice President.

New Boardmember Orlando Guitian signed the oath of office next and Clancy signed his oath of office next.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Julia Scranton as District Clerk.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Ethan Martin as the Substitute District Clerk.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Ethan Martin as District Treasurer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Tina Lallier as School Tax Collector.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Linda Voce as Internal Claims Auditor.

The Board approved a resolution appointing D'Arcangelo & Co., LLC as Independent Auditors.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Jennifer Kelly as Extra- Activities Fund Treasurer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Bond, Schoeneck, & King PLLC as special counsel.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Ferrara Fiorenza PC as special counsel.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Dr. Christopher Alinea as Medical Director/School Physician.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Glenn Kulinski as Asbestos Designee.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Glenn Kulinski as Chemical Hygiene Officer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Robert Bentley as Chief Emergency Officer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Ethan Martin as Purchasing Agent for CCSD.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Jennifer Mitchell as HIPAA Coordinator.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Ethan Martin as Medicaid

Compliance Officer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Ethan Martin as Medicare Part D Authorized Representative.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Dave Langone and Elizabeth Dougherty as Title VI and Title IX Compliance Officer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Elizabeth Dougherty as Disabilities Section 504 and Title II Compliance Officer.

The Board approved a resolution approving the list of DASA Coordinators.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Michelle Gabree-Huba as Data Protection Officer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Ethan Martin as Records Management Officer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing Julia Scranton as Records Access Officer.

The Board approved a resolution appointing R. Timbs Advisory Group as Financial Advisor.

The Board approved a resolution appointing The Waterville Times and The Rome Sentinel as the official newspapers.

The Board approved a resolution designating NBT Bank as the official bank for financial services.

The Board approved a resolution designating Board of Education meeting dates and times.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Superintendent to Certify Payroll.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the list of custodians of petty cash.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Superintendent to approve attendance at conferences, workshops, and conventions.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing Ethan Martin to sign all checks ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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