The Clinton Central Schools Board of Education met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.
CCSD Superintendent Chris Clancy spoke about his first days with Clinton. "Things are wonderful. I want to thank the students, staff, and community for the warm welcome. It means a lot and it’s exactly what I hoped it would be."
Clancy complimented the Middle School cast and crew of Annie Jr. for their excellent performance.
An Informational Meeting for the Capital Project vote is scheduled for Nov. 29 at 7 p.m.
CCS Elementary Principal Ellen Leuthauser said Halloween was a big success and Fall Celebrations are underway. Leuthauser thanked the PTA for their first year running the festivities.
Fourth graders had fun with STEM projects testing the durability of popsicle-stick bridges with jello earthquakes.
Mrs. Mickle's third grade class made Pumpkin Catapults.
Fifth grade art students created fall themed clay sculptures.
Seven CCS fifth and sixth grade Band students were selected for the Honor Band for a performance in Liverpool Nov. 28.
Fourth grade students are Book Buddies with kindergarteners.
Mrs. Toia-Kramer is hosting monthly meetings with parents about school resources such as ParentSquare.
So far 436 non-perishable items have been collected for the Country Food Pantry.
CCS Middle School Principal Dr. Shaun Carney said the Middle School is…