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Grant Helps To Provide Access

By Pat Louise

The Village of Waterville received a grant from Oneida County that will help with access to the creek on Route 315.

At last week’s Waterville Village Board meeting, DPW Superintendent Jamie Bechy said the Village received a hazardous mitigation grant from the county.

The $240,000 will be used for further work on the creek to reduce the chances of flooding.

Some of the money will also go towards knocking down a house the village owns. The owner gave up the house, which has numerous codes violations, rather than knock it down.

Demolishing the house will allow access to the creek through the property.

Other work from the grant will go along the creek bank near the Village parking lot near the Firemen’s Pavilion to reduce the floodplain.

In other matters from the 25-minute meeting, Bechy said he will put out three bids with approval at the April meeting.

Codes Officer Whitey Brown said he issued a building permit on Buell Avenue. ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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