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By Anthony Gannon

Grant Will Provide Chairlift At Bisby

The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of bills. The Board approved a resolution accepting the January meeting minutes into record with notes. The Board approved the Treasurer's reports into record.

The Board held a discussion about the start of the budget cycle and the need to hold workshops.

There were changes to the necessary reasoning of ARPA funds for lost revenue claims.

The water billing program will be updated in April.

West Winfield Fire Department answered eight fire calls in January and 32 ambulance calls.

A grant was awarded for a chairlift for Bisby Hall from New York state. Boardmember Sandy Smith said she was grateful for the grant and some electronic and structure work remains to be finished.

Boardmember Carl Wheat said the Clean Energy Community will be distributing information about joining the new NYSERTA Heat program. There's an easy combined low-income application available for the program.

The Board held a short discussion about holding Field Days or similar festivities this summer.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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