The Village of Clinton Board met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the June 5 meeting minutes. The Board approved a resolution auditing the payment of vouchers. The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of bills.
There were no significant comments from the Finance Committee after the first month of the fiscal year review. The Board approved a resolution accepting a five-year leasing agreement towards the purchase of a backhoe for $85,887.75.
The Board approved a resolution to hold a public hearing in July for the installation of stop signs throughout the Village at New Street at Beatty Avenue, Kellogg Street at Mulberry Street, and Fountain Street. at Chestnut Street.
Village of Clinton Mayor Elizabeth Tantillo gave an update on the Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant, reviewing the next few months as a committee determines which projects to move forward with.
CKIC is working on refurbishing the red greeting Village entrance signs. The Village Employee HR Manual is being reviewed and changes to the medical benefits for retirees are in consideration.