In 1976 Elizabeth Ledda poured her artistic talent into a diorama for the Town of Litchfield.
Ledda, known as Betty, has been recognized over the decades for her artwork in sculpture. Many of her subjects had a historical connection to Litchfield or nearby places in Herkimer County.
That love of local history led to becoming the Town of Litchfield Historian in the early 1990s. It’s a post Ledda had until she stepped down before Covid hit.
Her diorama received significant praise in 1976, starting with Town officials. In a letter sent to her that September, Ledda is told “How inadequate words are to express our deepest appreciation for the professional work you have done for the Town of Litchfield.
“Obviously, no price tag can be put on the efforts you have donated to this project. The town would also like to thank Mr. Ledda for his invaluable assistance to you in making the Bicentennial project a success.
“As a permanent symbol of our appreciation, a plaque will be placed on the diorama, honoring you as the artist.’’
Prior to becoming Town Historian, Ledda’s sculptures captured admiration and attention in large part because of a museum that showcased 1,000 of Ledda’s original works.
In an October 1988 story in the Utica Observer-Dispatch, Ledda said her first sculpture was of Washington Irving’s legendary Rip Van Winkle. She said she was familiar…