The November meeting of the Town of Marshall Board opened with approval of the regular meeting in October and the public hearing to discuss the 2025 budget on Oct. 29.
Resident Josh Lewis brought to the attention of the Board the issue of cell phone towers.
He suggested writing a law to protect citizens from towers being built too near their homes and lowering the real estate value of their property.
If there is no law, he argued, it’s very possible that more and more towers would be built without any oversight on the Town’s part.
He was advised to take his proposal to the Planning Board.
They could implement a six-month moratorium on cell towers in the Town of Marshall.
Jamie McNair of the Zoning Board of Appeals agreed with Lewis’ proposal.
He said, in his opinion, the entire ordinance needs to be updated to keep the laws in line with the Comprehensive Plan, include definitions of various issues, make sense, and be uniform.
That way, there would be no ambiguity. To accomplish this, the updating would have to be outsourced to a professional, as the job is too big for any board or volunteer group of individuals.
McNair has names of firms from the Tug Hill Commission workshops who would do that work and will share them with the Board.
There was some discussion between the Board and neighbors in the audience about the Recognition of Guests portion of the meeting.
Guests are allowed five minutes to state their business at the start of the meeting and are then allowed to leave.
Members of the audience contended that if they could state their business at the end of the meeting, after all the reports had been given, that would be very helpful.
One person said they only get the Town Board information at the Board meetings and they don’t know what’s going on until the Board tells them.
The suggestion was made that the open forum be held at the beginning and the end of the business meeting, under Old Business.
No resolution was made on this proposal. ...