The March meeting of the Marshall Town Board opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence in the memory of Councilperson Ken Ford’s father-in-law.
The minutes of the Feb. 11 meeting were approved.
The Town Board then turned to the public hearing for the purpose of the adoption of a local law providing for the appointment of alternate members from the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board.
This law is necessary because in the event of an absence or recusal of appointed members, alternates should be appointed to constitute a quorum.
This is deemed to be in the best interests of the township.
Eric Schachtler stated his opposition to the proposed law. After discussion clarifying the language in the proposed law, a local law was passed.
The Planning Board will submit minutes to the Town Board detailing a request to remove a 6-acre lot from a larger plot of land.
Jamie McNair of the Zoning Board of Appeals sent a letter to Dan Williams listing the criteria he needs for a Special Use Permit.
He will appear before the ZBA at their next meeting.
There was no further report except to remind the board that Tug Hill training takes place at Turning Stone on April 1.
There was much discussion regarding the value of the Tug Hill training sessions.
Attorney Bill Schmitt brought up the outdated fee structure for a Special Use Permit or zone change and noted they do not relate to the Planning Board.
Since the town has not ...