The Village of Clinton Board met Wednesday evening to discuss new business.
The Board approved the previous meeting's minutes and department reports.
The Kirkland Town Library sent a thank you letter to Rob Rockwell and the Department of Public Works for their help making the KTL Book Sale a success.
Andrew Sblendorio talked with the Board about a memorial bench being installed on the Village Green for Tom Bell. Sblendorio enthusiastically vouched Bell's deservance of the bench and the community's support for the idea.
Village of Clinton Mayor Elizabeth Tantillo said she would bring the idea before the Clinton Historic Preservation Commission so their needs were met for the project.
A $70,000 sewer district payment was received from Hamilton College.
The Board approved the Village Green Application for the Kirkland Arts Center concert for Sept. 17 from 7 to 9 p.m. The rain date of Sept. 24 was approved if necessary.
The Board approved the Village Green Application from the Stone Church for Oct. 3 from 12:45 to 2 p.m. for the Blessing of Animals service.
The Board approved the Stone Church's Village Green application for the Sept. 5 Labor Day service. Tantillo previously approved the application because it was submitted late before it could be brought before the Board.
The Board approved a motion to purchase new Radar signs.
The Board approved a motion to purchase fencing around the Kellogg Street Water Tank.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the 2022-24 police contract and authorizing the Mayor's signature.
The Board gave approval for the 2021 application by the village and Town of Kirkland for a $10 million state grant for Downtown Revitalization.
Town of Kirkland employee Chris Hughes retired Aug. 30 after 35 years and 5 months working with the Village. DPW Supervisor Rob Rockwell said working with Hughes was always a good time and he'll be missed. Hughes started work with the Town April 7, 1996.