The Mount Markham Board of Education met Tuesday night to discuss new business.
Business Administrator Lou D'Ambro gave a preliminary budget forecast and assumptions report.
D'Ambro reviewed the budget schedule with the BOCES Administrative and Capital budget presentation on March 11.
The March 25 meeting will discuss debt service, instruction, and special education budgets, with the final draft budget being sent to BOCES for comment and review.
The April 16 meeting will be the adoption of the proposed budget and property tax report card.
A budget hearing is May 13, with the budget vote scheduled for May 20.
The June 10 MMCSD BOE meeting will accept the voting results.
Foundation Aid for MM is flat at 2% and Gov. Hochul's initial run for MM is behind schedule. BOCES aid expenses are also not in the current data run, according to D'Ambro, but it is expected to be $3 million.
New York state is providing a $413,905 allocation for the MM UPK program.
The first draft of the budget is $35,726,429, a 3.79% increase of $1,305,151.
D'Ambro said this reflects ...