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By Janet Dangler

No Comments At Hearings

The July 12 meeting of the Marshall Town Board opened with the approval of the minutes of the June 14 meeting.

The meeting moved on to open the Public Hearing on the Solar Energy Law. There were no comments, and the hearing was closed.

The next Public Hearing was the Animal Control Law. The law includes a leash law. After no comments, the hearing was closed.

Both laws were adopted and are available for review in the Town Clerk’s office Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 7 p.m. and Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Next on the agenda was the awarding of bids for the 33 acres of cropland available for a 5-year lease. The following were bidders: Willow Run Farms, LLC, submitted by Kevin Sykes - $4,554 per year; Hughes Farms - $4,653 per year; and Jack Peck - $3,550 per year.

After it was ascertained there was no conflict of interest regarding Hughes Farms – Hughes is an employee for the Town of Marshall – he was awarded the bid.

Dan Buttermann, who is running to represent the new State Assembly District 122, attended the meeting. He said although he is based in Oneonta, he pledged to be available in this area if needed.

He had with him a map of the 122 Assembly District, which goes from Oneonta to Sullivan County. The election for Assembly will be in November.

Eric Schachtler asked about the Commercial Excavation and Small Scale Mining Local Law adopted in June. He wanted a copy of the minutes of that meeting when the law, which he declared “unlawful,” was adopted. The law has not been filed with the New York Secretary of State yet.

Colleen McGill asked how things were progressing among her attorney Michel DeBottis, the Town’s attorney, and Dan Williams’s attorney John Vagianelis, concerning Williams’s possible invalid zoning permit. Town Attorney William Getman said he had emailed all parties and had a response from Vagianelis, who wasn’t sure if the meeting was necessary or appropriate because the Town has not issued any violations, but there was no response from DeBottis.

McGill took issue with this. She told Getman as far as she knew, DeBottis had provided both parties with dates he was available but had no communication with them.

There was no report from the Planning Board. The Assessors and the Codes Enforcement Office submitted reports, but they were not shared with the public. The Zoning Board of Appeals has not met since the last Board meeting; they will meet July 13. The Comprehensive Review committee has turned its attention to cell towers.

Water Board Chairman Dan Yoxall reported they are working on the lead and copper service line inventory. They will send out lead and copper samples to a lab in Syracuse, as they do every three years.

He said they had received a few quotes on filtration work needed on the water tower. The bids he received contained some discrepancies so he will sort that out with the parties involved, but he…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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