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Presentation On Reval In Town of Augusta

At their January meeting, the Augusta Town Board heard about revaluation of town properties.

Erica Hutchins and John Zukowski of Emminger Newton Pigeon Magyar of Tonawanda gave a rundown of services available from their company for a townwide reval. They also answered questions by Board members.

A revaluation of properties brings changes up-to-date on real estate.

During payment of the bills Board members had questions about vouchers from Buell Fuels. Highway Superin-tendent Phil Eaton was to be contacted.

Board members accepted the resignation of Christy Thompson from the Planning Board.

Board members decided to enter town employees into the State Retirement System. An initial payment of $40,000. Money will be used from the Town’s payment due to the Oneida Indian Land Claim.

After the public session of an hour and 25 minutes, the Board went into executive session for 20 minutes regarding personnel. Because not all questions had been answered by the attorney, no further action was taken.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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