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Richfield Springs Students Share Plans, Thoughts

West Winfield Star

At the January meeting of the Richfield Springs Board of Education, students talked to the Board about their experiences and plans.

Jacob Searles, Preston Robbins, Freddie Melko, Danica Farley and Riley Francis gave formal presentations that included their academic and social development, self-identity, work ethic, community service and career plans.

Technology Coordinator Kyrill Verenich, Mohawk Regional Information Center Managed IT Leader John-Henry Lane, and Library Media Specialist Kathryn Prada presented their proposed budgets for the 2025-26 school year.

Superintendent Tom Piatti reported on December student attendance, complimented Kathryn Prada for her work, and talked about the 2025-26 executive budget proposal.

Piatti suggested that Graduation 2026 be held Thursday, June 18, 2026, due to the Juneteenth holiday on June 19.

Board members suggested it take place on June 19 or Saturday, June 20.

Secondary Principal Matt St. Peter gave a presentation that included highlights such as January regents, Grade 8 Science computer-based testing, history day, College Now spring registration and winter sports.

Board members said they would like more information on MacBooks vs. Chromebooks for student use.

After discussion, the decision was to stay with Apple products for now.

In February, the Board planned a joint board workshop with the Owen D. Young Board of Education.

At their December meeting, student Killian Coveny gave a presentation on Students Adopting Seniors.

Piatti said the district would be welcoming a therapy dog, saying it will be a benefit for students and staff.

Board members complimented Julie Smith and FaithAnn Young on the musical and Dan Marrone for his artwork.

Board members approved an April 2026 student trip to Paris and London.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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