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Technology Enters The Mt. Markham Classroom

By Stephen Clark

Over the past year, Mount Markham High School teachers Sarah Robinson and Alaina Brower have explored immersive technology and designed ways to use the technology to enhance their students’ learning experience.

Immersive learning technologies allow students to explore and learn in a digital environment while interacting with virtual objects and environments.

“We are thrilled to be implementing technology that enhances experiential learning,” Principal Victor Zampetti said.

“Our students are seeing places that have traditionally been impossible to visit as a high school student due to costs, safety, and time constraints.”

The technologies being used in instruction utilize Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

Using AR, students can manipulate 3D digital objects that appear to be in the classroom with them, such as a human heart or a dinosaur. ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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