When she heard the news, Kathy Beach of West Winfield wanted to run and hug her granddaughter.
But she couldn’t.
During that summer day in 2020 granddaughter Kelsey Roberts of Chadwicks stood at Beach’s back door. Carter and Connor, sons of Kelsey and Andy Roberts, waved at their great-grandmother.
“Kelsey had the picture of the sonogram,’’ Beach said. “I couldn’t see it from where I was. Then Carter said we’re having two babies.’’
On Oct. 19 of last year, Kelsey and Andy became parents to children No. 3 and 4, Adalynn Grace and Caden William. The twins, along with all the babies in this year’s Oh What A Beautiful Baby edition, will be forever known as the ‘pandemic babies’ for their birth during the worldwide crisis.
The Star chose the Roberts family as an example of what additional hardships those expecting last year went through. Because a couple of the kids were sick and Mom and Dad, who work full time each, had enough going on, Great-Grandma Kathy stepped in to fill us in.
Kathy and husband Jim are known as Nerna and Poppa to their grandchildren and their now four great-grandkids….