The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday night to discuss new business.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the previous meeting minutes.
The Board approved a resolution to pursue unpaid Water bills for $12,465.16.
The Board held a discussion to schedule a budget workshop. The Board held a discussion about relocating fire hydrants throughout the Village.
Village Codes Officer Mike Connors reported he hasn't issued any major permits recently. Some permits were issued for smaller projects. Connors said a solar company contacted him to conduct a study for a solar installation.
The West Winfield Fire Department answered 48 total calls for April. Of these 43 were EMS calls. Seven motor vehicle accidents were reported.
There was a short discussion about tree removal at the Fire Hall.
A research team is visiting the Village May 29.
The Board held a short discussion about tree removal throughout the Village and the distribution of federal recovery money for work on a pumphouse in the Village.
The Board approved a resolution to accept the Employee Evaluations.
Boardmember Jim Murphy gave information to the Board about purchasing solar-powered speed signs in the Village. The Board approved a resolution to accept Murphy's recommendation and begin the purchasing process for a solar-powered speed sign.