To alleviate the teaching load for science teachers, Waterville Central School District’s proposed budget will add a science teacher.
WCS Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Spring explained to BOE members at their meeting last week that all science teachers in the Junior-Senior High are teaching six classes. That is one more than the contract with the Waterville Teachers Association calls for, and those teachers receive extra compensation.
The 2023-24 budget proposal Spring and Business Administrator Amanda Eaves have brought to the Board also includes other personnel changes. The draft budget comes in at just under $21 million with a 2.5 percent increase of the amount raised by property taxes.
The budget includes funding to keep the Public Information Specialist, with plans to redo the District’s website by January.
The Business Office will be restructured to expand one employee from four to five days a week. Spring said this will result in a savings because a BOCES service can be dropped.
With the settlement last June of the contract with the WTA, teachers will receive a 5 percent salary increase next school year.
Along with the new full-time Life science…