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West Winfield Plans For A Redesign Of Four Corners

By Anthony Gannon

The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday night to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of the General Voucher for $36,312.29 and the Water Voucher for $400.87.

The Board approved a resolution approving the November meeting minutes.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the Treasurer's report.

The Fire Apparatus Reserve Fund CD was renewed for six months at $97,087 at 3.55%.

The Board approved a resolution supporting the increase in State Aid for Local Governments.

A donation of $462.52 was received for Ricky's Bench towards upkeep for the Village Green.

A fire hydrant on North Street is damaged and in need of replacement. The cost is expected to be $4,600.

Some potential replacements are in Village stock but won't be able to be installed until the spring.

Village of West Winfield Mayor Sandy Smith gave a picture to the Board of the concept art for the work at the Village's Four Corners.

Dan Barletta wants to make sure the skidsteer can still navigate through the Four Corners with the new design.

The project is going to bid in January and isn't expected to begin for at least a year.

The West Winfield Fire Department elections saw the three chiefs reelected to their positions.

The Department answered a total of nine fire calls with two structure fires and five MVAs in November.

Thirty-six total calls were answered with five calls not covered. The cost of purchasing a new truck is $662,774.57.

Of that $375,000 will be provided from the state and the remaining balance from a loan.

Smith spoke about the Holiday Festival, saying she wanted to change some things for next year.

There was a good crowd this year.

The event didn't get too crowded at once, however it stayed consistently busy.

Smith said senior citizens didn't really use the bus service adding, "It was freezing cold. We'll move things around next year and make the festival more central in the Village."

Smith said she's waiting to hear from the State about the Music in the Park Grant.

Boardmember Carl Wheat said the Comprehensive Plan Committee has "approval to keep track of time spent on the Comprehensive Plan so the committee can be reimbursed."

Wheat said he'd distribute something before Christmas to residents about joining the ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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